Live broadcast to facebook

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In today’s business world, social networking is the name of the game, and Facebook is one of the most popular tools for increasing and enhancing customer relations. There’s hardly a business in the world without a Facebook Page and presence. That’ why, C-Live invites you to integrate live broadcasting on Facebook with our super-quality broadcasting channel.  All that’s left for you to do is to produce a winning event!

Broadcasting straight to your business Page has never been simpler!

C-Live sends a videographer to your event equipped with all the advanced video technology necessary to livestream your event to friends and customers around the world who can view it in real time right on your Facebook Page! This way, they can also share, react, and of course, give you more likes!

Page friends receive an automatic notice about upcoming live broadcasts, because Facebook also wants your friends to be involved in the important things that you’re doing on your Page.

So the next time you open a new branch, launch a collection, or host any special private or corporate event, do it right!  Livestream your event with C-Live on Facebook!

Contact C-Live to share your experience with your friends and clients as it happens! And even if they’re too busy to watch right then, it’s no big deal, because everything is documented on Facebook for two months!

שידורים נוספים

מעמד אלפי בני הישיבות ‘ורוממתנו’ כינוס בני הישיבות גדולות ‘לכבוד פתיחת זמן אלול’

מוגן: מזל טוב | שמחת החתונה במשפחות וינר & פכטר

מעמד סיום בין הזמנים | אב תשפ”ד | אמפי פארק, אלעד

ארונה בא | מסע ההלוויה של הרבנית הצדקנית מרת מאטיל זאקס ע”ה

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